At Glasshouse Images, we are always searching for inspired and inspiring images with a clear commercial spark or editorial relevance. Our goal is to offer images that combine classic quality with fresh vision. Providing real content, real value along with real integrity, that’s the philosophy we were built on.
Glasshouse Images, founded in New York by commercial photographer Spencer Jones, is a stock photo agency catering to a select group of creatives who are always on the look for exceptional and distinctive imagery.
We are large enough to show only the best, and small enough to give the care and attention to each unique stock image request. We are proud of the profound and lasting relationships we have shared, with both our photographers and our dedicated clients, throughout our history.
We represent artists from around the world, offering their most artful and creative images in a multitude of categories within our Glasshouse RM & RF collections. Come Alive is creative and edgy animated GIFs, cinemagraphs, 3D stereo images and moving illustrations. Our two vintage categories, Circa Images and AB Archives offer authentic historical visuals, retro-styled contemporary images, and archives of conceptual and lifestyle images from decades past. Subject matter includes celebrities and entertainment, world history, historical figures, arts & culture, lifestyles, architecture, occupations, wars and conflict, medical, transportation and so much more.
Glasshouse Images
161 W. 15th Street, #1C
New York, NY 10011