Does Glasshouse require exclusive rights to my images?
Yes we require exclusive rights to all the images you place with us. So, any images placed with Glasshouse, cannot also be placed with another agencty. Please only submit images that are not already represented by another agency.
Do I need to keyword my images?
You do not need to Keyword your images, we will do this for you! Our specialist keyword team will make sure your images are ‘perfectly labelled’ so clients can find your images quickly and easily.
What should I do if my images have previously sold?
If any of your images have previously sold or licensed before being placed with us, then you must tell us immediately to avoid licensing problems.
How should I submit my photos for review?
You should submit images as low resolution for us to review, and we will let you know which ones we would like in high resolution. Just send them as JPEG files, sized to 600-1500 pixels on the longest side, in a ‘ZIP’ archive labeled with your name to photos@glasshouseimages.com .
What size should my high-resolution files be?
If we accept your images please send them at 300ppi, 50-60mb, Adobe RGB (1998). Please save all images as high quality jpegs before sending them to us. If a client requests a RAW or TIFF file then we will let you know.
What colour mode and profile should I use?
All images should be 8bit RGB jpegs, using either the Adobe RGB (1998) profiles. These are standard settings for most cameras and programs, so they usually do not need to be changed.
How should I send my accepted high-resolution Images?
High resolution images should be sent to us using a file transfer service such as WeTransfer.com, or placed on our FTP server (just request the login details from us).
Do I need to provide layered files for edited images?
We do not require you to send layered files. However, if we receive a client request we may ask you to send the original unedited images.
Do I need to send Model Release forms?
Yes, all images featuring people, generally, need model releases. So you will need to obtain and keep one on-file and send us a pdf version with your submission. Please add a photo and image number on the model release. You can download a Model Release form here.
Do I need to send Property Release forms?
Most public locations do not need a Property Release. However, you should have releases for any private property you photograph. You do not need to send the releases to us, unless we specifically ask for them. You can download a Property Release form here.
Need more information?
For more details about joining Glasshouse Images, just contact us.